The Oceania Chondricthyan Society (OCS) was founded in 2005 and works to promote and support shark and ray science, conservation and sustainability throughout the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean regions
The OCS is an international non-profit organisation created ‘To promote and facilitate the advancement of the scientific study of chondrichthyan fishes (sharks, skates, rays, and chimaeras), the promotion of education, conservation, and sustainable utilisation of natural resources, and to provide a medium for the exchange of information and ideas among those studying chondrichthyan fishes.’
To achieve the above charter, the OCS will:
Define the study of chondrichthyan fishes to include fields of research (including biology, ecology, physiology, taxonomy and systematics, genetics, habitats and fisheries), management or education relating to Chondrichthyes;
Promote global study of Chondrichthyes, with particular focus on Oceania nations;
Promote a friendly, relaxed, egalitarian and welcoming atmosphere for members and those interested in the study of Chondrichthyes;
Promote discussion and workshops on topics of relevance and interest to enhance excellence in chondrichthyan studies;
Encompass the professional interests of all members;
Promote the profile of chondrichthyan fish research to relevant agencies and the wider community;
Provide independent advice and information on relevant issues;
Promote the use of fish research in sustainable natural resource management;
Provide links to other relevant organisations; and
Provide access to expertise on chondrichthyan fishes and their fisheries, facilitate professional networks and assist with career development.