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OCS Lifetime Achievement and Membership Award


The OCS Lifetime Achievement and Membership Award honours members who have had a significant impact in advancing the understanding, sustainable use and conservation of chondrichthyans in the Oceania region through the course of their career (defined by the OCS as their ‘lifetime’), or who have served the society in some extraordinary way. The award recipient is recognised with lifetime membership of the OCS in addition to any other recognition the OCS committee considers appropriate. The award will normally be presented to the recipient in person by the President of the OCS, at occasions such as the OCS conference, Sharks International, or another suitable event.


The OCS Lifetime Achievement and Membership Awards recognise extraordinary contributions made by members. Consequently, the OCS Lifetime Achievement and Membership Award is not a competitive award that members are encouraged to apply for at regular intervals. Instead, this recognition is reserved for occasions when an extraordinary nomination is received and has been carefully considered by the OCS Council and Committee.    


Recipients of the OCS Lifetime Achievement and Membership Award should have demonstrated:

  • A 'lifetime' of work that has made a significant contribution to our knowledge of chondrichthyan biology and/or conservation actions;

  • A 'lifetime' of work that has made an impact at a national, regional or global level; and

  • A 'lifetime' of influence, inspiration and/or mentorship.


In selecting recipients for the award from nominees who meet the above criteria, the OCS Council and Committee may also consider the following:

  • The definition of a ‘significant contribution’ can be very broad, including: intellectual contributions through research; management contributions through government organisations; community engagement through volunteers programs; NGO contributions to public awareness etc. The focus is on the impact of the activity to understanding and conservation of chondrichthyans, rather than the avenue through which the impact was achieved;

  • Members may not have received equal opportunities or may have suffered discrimination during their education or career in the past, yet have made a major contribution to their field;

  • The stage of career of the nominee. For example, a nominee closer to or post-retirement may receive an award before a nominee who is approaching retirement;



  • Posthumous awards to those with a shorter career lifetime when compared with other nominees, but whose work has nevertheless had a major impact on chondrichthyan biology and/or conservation.

Determination of award recipients

The OCS Committee should promote and invite nominations for the award from OCS members at least three months prior to a significant event (e.g. Sharks International). 

To determine the recipient(s) of the award, the President will appoint an ad-hoc subcommittee to assess nominations. The subcommittee will:

  • Review and evaluate the nomination for the award to ensure that it includes all the necessary information

  • Assess the nomination, and where necessary seek independent referee reports

  • Keep detailed records of all nominations each year

  • Present to the OCS Council and Committee a recommendation for the recipient(s) of the award, along with the supporting information on which the decision or recommendation was based

  • Keep all discussions and nominations strictly confidential.

In the event of a nomination being successful:

  • the OCS President will inform the nominator and the nominee to confirm that the nominee is willing to accept the award. The nominee’s response will be communicated to all involved in the preparing and assessing the nomination

  • Should the nominee decline the award, the nomination is considered closed. However, discussions regarding the nomination are to remain confidential.

  • Should the nominee accept the award, the OCS Council will make administrative arrangements for the member’s lifetime membership, and prepare awards and other items of recognition as the Council deems appropriate

  • The Council will make arrangements for a special ceremony to present the award at the next significant event. The Council may also consider supporting the Awardee’s attendance at this event.

  • With the nominees approval, the Council will arrange for a short biography and account of the awardee’s career and accomplishments to be placed on the OCS website.

  • All communications regarding the nomination, selection process, outcome, and nominee response are to remain strictly confidential within the Council and Committee. If a nominee accepts the award, the name of the nominee shall not be released until the presentation of the award at the significant event.


Download the information and nomination form here

Award nominations must be received by the OCS secretary ( by 1 FEBRUARY 2024.

OCS Lifetime Achievement and Membership Award

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